
Pampilhosa da Serra, Coimbra, Portugal

For Sale


REF: 919739 €80,000

6992 m2

6992 m2


Terreno rústico com 6.992 m², perfeito para quem procura um refúgio tranquilo no campo, com o potencial para criar um estilo de vida sustentável. O terreno inclui um edifício de dois andares com 44 m², atualmente utilizado como galinheiro, mas que pode ser facilmente renovado para fins habitacionais.

A área é ideal para agricultura, criação de animais e cultivo de produtos biológicos. Com acesso a água de nascente e um riacho que passa nas proximidades, o local oferece um ambiente natural privilegiado. A exposição solar é excelente, garantindo uma boa luminosidade durante o dia. O terreno conta com diversas árvores maduras e espaços abertos, perfeitos para a criação de um jardim ou para ampliar a produção agrícola.

Destaques: Edifício de 2 pisos, com grande potencial para renovação e adaptação a habitação. Água disponível: nascente e riacho. Acesso através de um caminho florestal, garantindo tranquilidade e privacidade. Excelente exposição solar, ideal para cultivo e aproveitamento de energia solar. Subsídios e Apoios: Na região, estão disponíveis vários programas de apoio financeiro, tanto para a agricultura quanto para a renovação de propriedades.

Através de iniciativas como Portugal 2030 e programas de desenvolvimento rural, é possível obter até 85% de financiamento a fundo perdido para projetos agrícolas e ambientais, além de apoios específicos para jovens agricultores e melhorias de eficiência hídrica e energética. Além disso, existem subsídios para a renovação de casas que podem ser usados para reformar o edifício existente, permitindo transformar o galinheiro em uma habitação confortável.

Este apoio pode ser combinado com outros benefícios, como subsídios para famílias com crianças ou programas para habitantes de áreas rurais que busquem melhorar suas condições de vida. Aproveite esta oportunidade para criar o seu refúgio no campo e aproveitar todos os benefícios que a região tem a oferecer.

Entre em contato para mais informações ou para agendar uma visita. #ref: 132851Rustic land with 6,992 m², perfect for those seeking a peaceful countryside retreat with the potential to create a sustainable lifestyle. The property includes a two-story building wit 44 m², currently used as a chicken coop, but which can easily be renovated for residential purposes.

The area is ideal for agriculture, animal husbandry, and organic farming. With access to spring water and a nearby stream, the site offers a privileged natural environment. The property benefits from excellent solar exposure, ensuring ample sunlight throughout the day. It features several mature trees and open spaces, perfect for creating a garden or expanding agricultural production.

Highlights: Two-story building with great potential for renovation and conversion into a residence. Water sources: spring and stream. Access via a forest path, ensuring peace and privacy. Excellent solar exposure, ideal for farming and harnessing solar energy. Subsidies and Support: In the region, several financial support programs are available for agriculture and property renovation.

Through initiatives such as Portugal 2030 and rural development programs, it is possible to obtain up to 85% non-repayable funding for agricultural and environmental projects, as well as specific support for young farmers and improvements in water and energy efficiency. Additionally, there are grants for house renovations that can be used to transform the existing building, allowing the chicken coop to be turned into a comfortable home.

These subsidies can be combined with other benefits, such as grants for families with children or programs aimed at rural residents seeking to improve their living conditions. Take this opportunity to create your countryside retreat and enjoy all the benefits the region has to offer. Contact me for more information or to schedule a visit.

#ref: 132851Rustikales Grundstück mit 6.992 m², perfekt für alle, die einen ruhigen Rückzugsort auf dem Land suchen und das Potenzial haben, einen nachhaltigen Lebensstil zu schaffen. Das Grundstück umfasst ein zweistöckiges Gebäude mit 44 m², das derzeit als Hühnerstall genutzt wird, aber leicht zu Wohnzwecken renoviert werden kann.

Die Fläche ist ideal für Landwirtschaft, Tierhaltung und biologischen Anbau. Mit Zugang zu Quellwasser und einem nahegelegenen Bach bietet das Grundstück eine privilegierte natürliche Umgebung. Die hervorragende Sonneneinstrahlung sorgt für eine gute Beleuchtung während des Tages. Auf dem Grundstück gibt es mehrere ausgewachsene Bäume und offene Flächen, die sich ideal für die Anlage eines Gartens oder die Erweiterung der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion eignen.

Highlights: Zweistöckiges Gebäude mit großem Potenzial für Renovierung und Umnutzung zu Wohnzwecken. Wasserquellen: Quelle und Bach. Zugang über einen Waldweg, der Ruhe und Privatsphäre garantiert. Hervorragende Sonneneinstrahlung, ideal für den Anbau und die Nutzung von Solarenergie. Förderungen und Unterstützung: In der Region stehen verschiedene finanzielle Unterstützungsprogramme für Landwirtschaft und Renovierung von Immobilien zur Verfügung.

Durch Initiativen wie Portugal 2030 und Programme zur ländlichen Entwicklung können bis zu 85 % nicht rückzahlbare Fördermittel für landwirtschaftliche und umweltbezogene Projekte beantragt werden. Zusätzlich gibt es spezifische Unterstützungen für Junglandwirte sowie für Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Wasser- und Energieeffizienz.

Darüber hinaus gibt es Zuschüsse für Hausrenovierungen, die zur Umgestaltung des bestehenden Gebäudes genutzt werden können, um den Hühnerstall in ein komfortables Zuhause zu verwandeln. Diese Förderungen können mit anderen Vorteilen kombiniert werden, wie z. B. Zuschüssen für Familien mit Kindern oder Programmen für Bewohner ländlicher Gebiete, die ihre Lebensbedingungen verbessern möchten.

Nutzen Sie diese Gelegenheit, um Ihren Rückzugsort auf dem Land zu schaffen, und profitieren Sie von den zahlreichen Vorteilen, die die Region bietet. Kontaktieren Sie mich für weitere Informationen oder um eine Besichtigung zu vereinbaren. #ref: 132851
Terreno rústico com 6.992 m², perfeito para quem procura um refúgio tranquilo no campo, com o potencial para criar um estilo de vida sustentável. O terreno inclui um edifício de dois andares com 44 m², atualmente utilizado como galinheiro, mas que pode ser facilmente renovado para fins habitacionais.

A área é ideal para agricultura, criação de animais e cultivo de produtos biológicos. Com acesso a água de nascente e um riacho que passa nas proximidades, o local oferece um ambiente natural privilegiado. A exposição solar é excelente, garantindo uma boa luminosidade durante o dia. O terreno conta com diversas árvores maduras e espaços abertos, perfeitos para a criação de um jardim ou para ampliar a produção agrícola.

Destaques: Edifício de 2 pisos, com grande potencial para renovação e adaptação a habitação. Água disponível: nascente e riacho. Acesso através de um caminho florestal, garantindo tranquilidade e privacidade. Excelente exposição solar, ideal para cultivo e aproveitamento de energia solar. Subsídios e Apoios: Na região, estão disponíveis vários programas de apoio financeiro, tanto para a agricultura quanto para a renovação de propriedades.

Através de iniciativas como Portugal 2030 e programas de desenvolvimento rural, é possível obter até 85% de financiamento a fundo perdido para projetos agrícolas e ambientais, além de apoios específicos para jovens agricultores e melhorias de eficiência hídrica e energética. Além disso, existem subsídios para a renovação de casas que podem ser usados para reformar o edifício existente, permitindo transformar o galinheiro em uma habitação confortável.

Este apoio pode ser combinado com outros benefícios, como subsídios para famílias com crianças ou programas para habitantes de áreas rurais que busquem melhorar suas condições de vida. Aproveite esta oportunidade para criar o seu refúgio no campo e aproveitar todos os benefícios que a região tem a oferecer.

Entre em contato para mais informações ou para agendar uma visita. #ref: 132851Rustic land with 6,992 m², perfect for those seeking a peaceful countryside retreat with the potential to create a sustainable lifestyle. The property includes a two-story building wit 44 m², currently used as a chicken coop, but which can easily be renovated for residential purposes.

The area is ideal for agriculture, animal husbandry, and organic farming. With access to spring water and a nearby stream, the site offers a privileged natural environment. The property benefits from excellent solar exposure, ensuring ample sunlight throughout the day. It features several mature trees and open spaces, perfect for creating a garden or expanding agricultural production.

Highlights: Two-story building with great potential for renovation and conversion into a residence. Water sources: spring and stream. Access via a forest path, ensuring peace and privacy. Excellent solar exposure, ideal for farming and harnessing solar energy. Subsidies and Support: In the region, several financial support programs are available for agriculture and property renovation.

Through initiatives such as Portugal 2030 and rural development programs, it is possible to obtain up to 85% non-repayable funding for agricultural and environmental projects, as well as specific support for young farmers and improvements in water and energy efficiency. Additionally, there are grants for house renovations that can be used to transform the existing building, allowing the chicken coop to be turned into a comfortable home.

These subsidies can be combined with other benefits, such as grants for families with children or programs aimed at rural residents seeking to improve their living conditions. Take this opportunity to create your countryside retreat and enjoy all the benefits the region has to offer. Contact me for more information or to schedule a visit.

#ref: 132851Rustikales Grundstück mit 6.992 m², perfekt für alle, die einen ruhigen Rückzugsort auf dem Land suchen und das Potenzial haben, einen nachhaltigen Lebensstil zu schaffen. Das Grundstück umfasst ein zweistöckiges Gebäude mit 44 m², das derzeit als Hühnerstall genutzt wird, aber leicht zu Wohnzwecken renoviert werden kann.

Die Fläche ist ideal für Landwirtschaft, Tierhaltung und biologischen Anbau. Mit Zugang zu Quellwasser und einem nahegelegenen Bach bietet das Grundstück eine privilegierte natürliche Umgebung. Die hervorragende Sonneneinstrahlung sorgt für eine gute Beleuchtung während des Tages. Auf dem Grundstück gibt es mehrere ausgewachsene Bäume und offene Flächen, die sich ideal für die Anlage eines Gartens oder die Erweiterung der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion eignen.

Highlights: Zweistöckiges Gebäude mit großem Potenzial für Renovierung und Umnutzung zu Wohnzwecken. Wasserquellen: Quelle und Bach. Zugang über einen Waldweg, der Ruhe und Privatsphäre garantiert. Hervorragende Sonneneinstrahlung, ideal für den Anbau und die Nutzung von Solarenergie. Förderungen und Unterstützung: In der Region stehen verschiedene finanzielle Unterstützungsprogramme für Landwirtschaft und Renovierung von Immobilien zur Verfügung.

Durch Initiativen wie Portugal 2030 und Programme zur ländlichen Entwicklung können bis zu 85 % nicht rückzahlbare Fördermittel für landwirtschaftliche und umweltbezogene Projekte beantragt werden. Zusätzlich gibt es spezifische Unterstützungen für Junglandwirte sowie für Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Wasser- und Energieeffizienz.

Darüber hinaus gibt es Zuschüsse für Hausrenovierungen, die zur Umgestaltung des bestehenden Gebäudes genutzt werden können, um den Hühnerstall in ein komfortables Zuhause zu verwandeln. Diese Förderungen können mit anderen Vorteilen kombiniert werden, wie z. B. Zuschüssen für Familien mit Kindern oder Programmen für Bewohner ländlicher Gebiete, die ihre Lebensbedingungen verbessern möchten.

Nutzen Sie diese Gelegenheit, um Ihren Rückzugsort auf dem Land zu schaffen, und profitieren Sie von den zahlreichen Vorteilen, die die Region bietet. Kontaktieren Sie mich für weitere Informationen oder um eine Besichtigung zu vereinbaren. #ref: 132851
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Property on Map


Currency Exchange

Pampilhosa da Serra, Coimbra, Portugal

Interested in this property? Don't lose out to currency fluctuations changing the price you pay...

Many overseas buyers in Portugal do not realise they can lose thousands of pounds through adverse currency exchange rate movements.

The property buying process in Portugal takes time; it could be up to six months between seeing the property of your dreams and actually taking ownership. So how much would this €80,000 property cost you?

Property Price € Minimum cost in the last six months Maximum cost in the last six months Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by
€80,000 £65,912 £67,848 £1,936
Property Price € €80,000
Minimum cost in the last six months £65,912
Maximum cost in the last six months £67,848
Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by £1,936

Pampilhosa da Serra, Coimbra, Portugal

Interested in this property? Don't lose out to currency fluctuations changing the price you pay...

Many overseas buyers in Portugal do not realise they can lose thousands of pounds through adverse currency exchange rate movements.

The property buying process in Portugal takes time; it could be up to six months between seeing the property of your dreams and actually taking ownership. So how much would this €80,000 property cost you?

Property Price € Minimum cost in the last six months Maximum cost in the last six months Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by
€80,000 £65,912 £67,848 £1,936
Property Price € €80,000
Minimum cost in the last six months £65,912
Maximum cost in the last six months £67,848
Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by £1,936

The exchange rate on the day you make an offer on your property in Portugal will not be the same as the rate you pay when you complete on your purchase, as currency markets move constantly. Any large rate movements may take it beyond your price range as the chart above illustrates the fluctuation and how much extra your property could have cost you.

The best way to avoid this significant risk is to plan your budget and currency strategy with an experienced currency specialist. They have been known to save you up to 4% compared to many high street banks, £4,000 for every £100,000, which soon adds up. They will also keep you up to date on market movements, help you set a rate in advance with a product called a Forward Contract - so you know exactly what you will pay for your property in sterling.

This is why we recommend Smart Currency Exchange Ltd. If exchange rate movements continue to be as unpredictable and as significant as they have been in the past then by not using Smart Currency Exchange Ltd your property could cost you £1,936 more.

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