town house

Ferreira do Alentejo, Beja, Portugal

For Sale


REF: 706189 €99,000



107 m2

302 m2


ALFUNDÃO - ALENTEJO CASA VENDE-SE: 99.000,00€ Pronta a habitar ( com obras de beneficiação) É uma moradia, em banda, como são as casas das aldeias do Alentejo. Dá para 2 ruas, a frente para uma e o quintal para outra. Está habitável, embora precise de alguns retoques de beneficiação e aumento de conforto.

Sim, porque a nossa casa é o nosso castelo e, para tal, terá que ter, sempre, os nossos desejos concretizados., Tem uma suite, mais um quarto pequeno com hipótese de alargamento e, mais uma casa de banho ao lado; corredor, uma boa sala de estar com vista para o quintal e um aquecimento a lenha. A cozinha tem, ainda, uma lareira antiga onde se fumavam os chouriços caseiros.

O quintal é razoável e, arranjado, poderá ficar muito agradável, até com uma piscina para refrescar o Verão e uma garagem para proteger os carros e fazer outras arrumações, sempre necessárias. A rua é muito sossegada, com as casas todas arranjadas e, alberga ainda a melhor padaria da aldeia, a dois passos da casa, o que significa pãozinho fresco a cada manhã.

Se quer viver no paraíso desta aldeia simpática, ordeira e com todas as estruturas sociais de que os humanos precisam: banco, igreja, junta de freguesia, mini -mercado, pastelaria etc. etc. e,ainda uma mais- valia colectiva: um passadiço em madeira que a liga à Peroguarda, a povoação vizinha. Mas, ainda não acaba aqui a lista das vantagens: uma das mais belas praias fluviais do Alentejo « os 5 Reis», a cerca de 10km e um pouco mais distante uma barragem enorme, a de Odivelas.

Repito, se quer viver neste paraíso, apareça rápido para não o perder por um preço quase miserável: 99.000,00€ Com as obras prontas no final do mês de Fevereiro Gosto, mesmo, de vender coisas a BOM PREÇO! Sou José Martins Gago Consultor IAD-Portugal Tm: 910728959 Mail: [email protected] #ref: 98685ALFUNDAO - ALENTEJO HOUSE FOR SALE: 99,000.00€ ( ready to inhabit) It is a detached house, like the houses in the villages of Alentejo.

Gives to 2 streets, the front to one and the backyard to another. It is habitable, although it needs some improvement touches and increased comfort. Yes, because our home is our castle and, for that, our wishes must always be fulfilled., It has a suite, plus a small bedroom with the possibility of enlargement, and another bathroom next door; hallway, a good living room overlooking the backyard and wood heating.

The kitchen also has an old fireplace where homemade sausages were smoked. The yard is reasonable and, arranged, it could be very pleasant, even with a swimming pool to cool off in the summer and a garage to protect the cars and make other arrangements, whenever necessary. The street is very quiet, with the houses all arranged and, it also houses the best bakery in the village, a stone's throw from the house, which means fresh bread every morning.

If you want to live in the paradise of this friendly, orderly village with all the social structures that humans need: bank, church, parish council, mini-market, pastry shop, etc. etc. and also a collective added value: a wooden walkway that connects it to Peroguarda, the neighboring village. But the list of advantages does not end here: one of the most beautiful river beaches in the Alentejo «os 5 Reis», about 10 km away and a little further away is a huge dam, the Odivelas dam.

I repeat, if you want to live in this paradise, show up quickly so you don't lose it for an almost miserable price. I really like selling things at a GOOD PRICE! am José Martins Gago Consultant IAD-Portugal Tm: 910728959 #ref: 98685ALFUNDAO - ALENTEJO MAISON A VENDRE : 99. 000,00€ ( prompt pour habiter) C'est une maison individuelle, comme les maisons des villages de l'Alentejo.

Donne sur 2 rues, l'avant sur l'une et la cour arrière sur l'autre. Il est habitable, même s'il a besoin de quelques améliorations et d'un confort accru. Oui, car notre maison est notre chteau et, pour cela, nos souhaits doivent toujours être exaucés., Il a une suite, plus une petite chambre avec possibilité d'agrandissement et une autre salle de bain à côté; couloir, un bon séjour donnant sur la cour arrière et chauffage au bois.

La cuisine dispose également d'une ancienne cheminée où étaient fumées des saucisses maison. La cour est raisonnable et, aménagée, elle pourrait être très agréable, même avec une piscine pour se rafraîchir l'été et un garage pour protéger les voitures et faire d'autres aménagements, si nécessaire. La rue est très calme, avec les maisons toutes agencées et, elle abrite aussi la meilleure boulangerie du village, à deux pas de la maison, c'est-à-dire du pain frais tous les matins.

Si vous voulez vivre au paradis de ce village sympathique et ordonné avec toutes les structures sociales dont l'homme a besoin : banque, église, conseil paroissial, supérette, ptisserie, etc. etc. et aussi une valeur ajoutée collective : une passerelle en bois qui la relie à Peroguarda, le village voisin.

Mais la liste des avantages ne s'arrête pas là : l'une des plus belles plages fluviales de l'Alentejo «os 5 Reis», à environ 10 km et un peu plus loin se trouve un immense barrage, le barrage d'Odivelas. Je le répète, si vous voulez vivre dans ce paradis, présentez-vous rapidement pour ne pas le perdre pour un prix presque misérable.

99.000,00€ com as obras inclluídas, terminadas no final de Fevereiro. J'aime vraiment vendre des choses à un BON PRIX ! suis José Martins Gago Consultant IAD-Portugal Téléphone : 910728959 #ref: 98685
ALFUNDÃO - ALENTEJO CASA VENDE-SE: 99.000,00€ Pronta a habitar ( com obras de beneficiação) É uma moradia, em banda, como são as casas das aldeias do Alentejo. Dá para 2 ruas, a frente para uma e o quintal para outra. Está habitável, embora precise de alguns retoques de beneficiação e aumento de conforto.

Sim, porque a nossa casa é o nosso castelo e, para tal, terá que ter, sempre, os nossos desejos concretizados., Tem uma suite, mais um quarto pequeno com hipótese de alargamento e, mais uma casa de banho ao lado; corredor, uma boa sala de estar com vista para o quintal e um aquecimento a lenha. A cozinha tem, ainda, uma lareira antiga onde se fumavam os chouriços caseiros.

O quintal é razoável e, arranjado, poderá ficar muito agradável, até com uma piscina para refrescar o Verão e uma garagem para proteger os carros e fazer outras arrumações, sempre necessárias. A rua é muito sossegada, com as casas todas arranjadas e, alberga ainda a melhor padaria da aldeia, a dois passos da casa, o que significa pãozinho fresco a cada manhã.

Se quer viver no paraíso desta aldeia simpática, ordeira e com todas as estruturas sociais de que os humanos precisam: banco, igreja, junta de freguesia, mini -mercado, pastelaria etc. etc. e,ainda uma mais- valia colectiva: um passadiço em madeira que a liga à Peroguarda, a povoação vizinha. Mas, ainda não acaba aqui a lista das vantagens: uma das mais belas praias fluviais do Alentejo « os 5 Reis», a cerca de 10km e um pouco mais distante uma barragem enorme, a de Odivelas.

Repito, se quer viver neste paraíso, apareça rápido para não o perder por um preço quase miserável: 99.000,00€ Com as obras prontas no final do mês de Fevereiro Gosto, mesmo, de vender coisas a BOM PREÇO! Sou José Martins Gago Consultor IAD-Portugal Tm: 910728959 Mail: [email protected] #ref: 98685ALFUNDAO - ALENTEJO HOUSE FOR SALE: 99,000.00€ ( ready to inhabit) It is a detached house, like the houses in the villages of Alentejo.

Gives to 2 streets, the front to one and the backyard to another. It is habitable, although it needs some improvement touches and increased comfort. Yes, because our home is our castle and, for that, our wishes must always be fulfilled., It has a suite, plus a small bedroom with the possibility of enlargement, and another bathroom next door; hallway, a good living room overlooking the backyard and wood heating.

The kitchen also has an old fireplace where homemade sausages were smoked. The yard is reasonable and, arranged, it could be very pleasant, even with a swimming pool to cool off in the summer and a garage to protect the cars and make other arrangements, whenever necessary. The street is very quiet, with the houses all arranged and, it also houses the best bakery in the village, a stone's throw from the house, which means fresh bread every morning.

If you want to live in the paradise of this friendly, orderly village with all the social structures that humans need: bank, church, parish council, mini-market, pastry shop, etc. etc. and also a collective added value: a wooden walkway that connects it to Peroguarda, the neighboring village. But the list of advantages does not end here: one of the most beautiful river beaches in the Alentejo «os 5 Reis», about 10 km away and a little further away is a huge dam, the Odivelas dam.

I repeat, if you want to live in this paradise, show up quickly so you don't lose it for an almost miserable price. I really like selling things at a GOOD PRICE! am José Martins Gago Consultant IAD-Portugal Tm: 910728959 #ref: 98685ALFUNDAO - ALENTEJO MAISON A VENDRE : 99. 000,00€ ( prompt pour habiter) C'est une maison individuelle, comme les maisons des villages de l'Alentejo.

Donne sur 2 rues, l'avant sur l'une et la cour arrière sur l'autre. Il est habitable, même s'il a besoin de quelques améliorations et d'un confort accru. Oui, car notre maison est notre chteau et, pour cela, nos souhaits doivent toujours être exaucés., Il a une suite, plus une petite chambre avec possibilité d'agrandissement et une autre salle de bain à côté; couloir, un bon séjour donnant sur la cour arrière et chauffage au bois.

La cuisine dispose également d'une ancienne cheminée où étaient fumées des saucisses maison. La cour est raisonnable et, aménagée, elle pourrait être très agréable, même avec une piscine pour se rafraîchir l'été et un garage pour protéger les voitures et faire d'autres aménagements, si nécessaire. La rue est très calme, avec les maisons toutes agencées et, elle abrite aussi la meilleure boulangerie du village, à deux pas de la maison, c'est-à-dire du pain frais tous les matins.

Si vous voulez vivre au paradis de ce village sympathique et ordonné avec toutes les structures sociales dont l'homme a besoin : banque, église, conseil paroissial, supérette, ptisserie, etc. etc. et aussi une valeur ajoutée collective : une passerelle en bois qui la relie à Peroguarda, le village voisin.

Mais la liste des avantages ne s'arrête pas là : l'une des plus belles plages fluviales de l'Alentejo «os 5 Reis», à environ 10 km et un peu plus loin se trouve un immense barrage, le barrage d'Odivelas. Je le répète, si vous voulez vivre dans ce paradis, présentez-vous rapidement pour ne pas le perdre pour un prix presque misérable.

99.000,00€ com as obras inclluídas, terminadas no final de Fevereiro. J'aime vraiment vendre des choses à un BON PRIX ! suis José Martins Gago Consultant IAD-Portugal Téléphone : 910728959 #ref: 98685
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Property on Map


Currency Exchange

Ferreira do Alentejo, Beja, Portugal

Interested in this property? Don't lose out to currency fluctuations changing the price you pay...

Many overseas buyers in Portugal do not realise they can lose thousands of pounds through adverse currency exchange rate movements.

The property buying process in Portugal takes time; it could be up to six months between seeing the property of your dreams and actually taking ownership. So how much would this €99,000 property cost you?

Property Price € Minimum cost in the last six months Maximum cost in the last six months Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by
€99,000 £81,566 £83,962 £2,396
Property Price € €99,000
Minimum cost in the last six months £81,566
Maximum cost in the last six months £83,962
Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by £2,396

Ferreira do Alentejo, Beja, Portugal

Interested in this property? Don't lose out to currency fluctuations changing the price you pay...

Many overseas buyers in Portugal do not realise they can lose thousands of pounds through adverse currency exchange rate movements.

The property buying process in Portugal takes time; it could be up to six months between seeing the property of your dreams and actually taking ownership. So how much would this €99,000 property cost you?

Property Price € Minimum cost in the last six months Maximum cost in the last six months Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by
€99,000 £81,566 £83,962 £2,396
Property Price € €99,000
Minimum cost in the last six months £81,566
Maximum cost in the last six months £83,962
Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by £2,396

The exchange rate on the day you make an offer on your property in Portugal will not be the same as the rate you pay when you complete on your purchase, as currency markets move constantly. Any large rate movements may take it beyond your price range as the chart above illustrates the fluctuation and how much extra your property could have cost you.

The best way to avoid this significant risk is to plan your budget and currency strategy with an experienced currency specialist. They have been known to save you up to 4% compared to many high street banks, £4,000 for every £100,000, which soon adds up. They will also keep you up to date on market movements, help you set a rate in advance with a product called a Forward Contract - so you know exactly what you will pay for your property in sterling.

This is why we recommend Smart Currency Exchange Ltd. If exchange rate movements continue to be as unpredictable and as significant as they have been in the past then by not using Smart Currency Exchange Ltd your property could cost you £2,396 more.

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