
Penela, Coimbra, Portugal

For Sale


REF: 632545 €200,001

69250 m2

69250 m2


Sete hectares de terra fértil povoada de medronheiros, oliveiras, pinheiros e sobreiros. Propriedade com extensões planas a áreas em sucalcos suportados por lindos muros em pedra. Tem três entradas, uma pela bonita aldeia de Chainça-Penela, a segunda pela aldeia do Espinheiro-Penela e a terceira pelo acesso á vila do Rabaçal.

Distribuídos pela propriedade, há sete abrigos em pedra que em tempos recolheram pastores e trabalhadores do campo. As vistas são abrangentes e lindas! Á frente o extenso vale do Rabaçal, as serras de Sicó e as aldeias serranas. Uma paisagem deslumbrante. Localiza-se a cinco minutos da vila de Penela, sete minutos da vila do Rabaçal, vinte minutos da cidade de Coimbra, cinquenta minutos da praia, a duas horas de Lisboa e uma hora e trinta minutos do Porto.

Ideal para uma quinta com exploração agrícola e excelente para criação de animais, inclusive cavalos. Muito boa para um projeto de turismo. Várias e diversificadas opções são possíveis nesta propriedade. Venha conhecer. #ref: 86887Seven hectares of fertile land populated with strawberry trees, olive trees, pine trees and cork oaks.

Property with flat extensions to areas in sucalcos supported by beautiful stone walls. It has three entrances, one through the pretty village of Chainça-Penela, the second through the village of Espinheiro-Penela and the third through the access to the village of Rabaçal. Scattered around the property are seven stone shelters that once sheltered shepherds and field workers.

The views are sweeping and beautiful! Ahead is the wide valley of Rabaçal, the Sicó hills and the mountain villages. A stunning landscape. It is located five minutes from the village of Penela, seven minutes from the village of Rabaçal, twenty minutes from the city of Coimbra, fifty minutes from the beach, two hours from Lisbon and one hour and thirty minutes from Porto.

Ideal for a farm with agricultural exploration and excellent for breeding animals, including horses. Very good for a tourism project. Several and diversified options are possible in this property. Come and visit. #ref: 86887Siete hectáreas de tierra fértil poblada de madroños, olivos, pinos y alcornoques.

Propiedad con extensiones planas a áreas en sucalcos apoyados por hermosos muros de piedra. Tiene tres entradas, una por el bonito pueblo de Chainça-Penela, la segunda por el pueblo de Espinheiro-Penela y la tercera por el acceso al pueblo de Rabaçal. Diseminados por la propiedad hay siete refugios de piedra que antaño albergaban a pastores y trabajadores del campo.

Las vistas son amplias y hermosas. Por delante, el amplio valle de Rabaçal, las colinas de Sicó y los pueblos de montaña. Un paisaje impresionante. Se encuentra a cinco minutos del pueblo de Penela, a siete minutos del pueblo de Rabaçal, a veinte minutos de la ciudad de Coimbra, a cincuenta minutos de la playa, a dos horas de Lisboa y a una hora y treinta minutos de Oporto.

Ideal para una granja con la exploración agrícola y excelente para la cría de animales, incluidos los caballos. Muy bueno para un proyecto turístico. Varias y diversificadas opciones son posibles en esta propiedad. Venga a visitarnos. #ref: 86887Sept hectares de terres fertiles peuplées d'arbousiers, d'oliviers, de pins et de chênes-lièges.

Propriété avec des extensions plates aux zones en sucalcos soutenues par de beaux murs en pierre. Il possède trois entrées, l'une par le joli village de Chainça-Penela, la deuxième par le village d'Espinheiro-Penela et la troisième par l'accès au village de Rabaçal. Les sept abris en pierre disséminés sur la propriété abritaient autrefois des bergers et des ouvriers agricoles.

Les vues sont vastes et magnifiques ! Devant nous se trouve la large vallée de Rabaçal, les collines de Sicó et les villages de montagne. Un paysage époustouflant. Elle est située à cinq minutes du village de Penela, à sept minutes du village de Rabaçal, à vingt minutes de la ville de Coimbra, à cinquante minutes de la plage, à deux heures de Lisbonne et à une heure et trente minutes de Porto.

Idéal pour une ferme avec exploration agricole et excellent pour l'élevage d'animaux, y compris les chevaux. Très bien pour un projet touristique. Des options multiples et diversifiées sont possibles dans ce bien. Venez nous rendre visite. #ref: 86887Sieben Hektar fruchtbares Land, bevölkert mit Erdbeerbäumen, Olivenbäumen, Pinien und Korkeichen.

Grundstück mit flachen Erweiterungen zu Bereichen in sucalcos unterstützt durch schöne Steinmauern. Es hat drei Eingänge, einen durch das hübsche Dorf Chainça-Penela, den zweiten durch das Dorf Espinheiro-Penela und den dritten durch den Zugang zum Dorf Rabaçal. Auf dem Gelände befinden sich sieben Steinhütten, die einst Hirten und Feldarbeiter beherbergten.

Die Aussicht ist überwältigend und wunderschön! Vor uns liegt das weite Tal von Rabaçal, die Hügel von Sicó und die Bergdörfer. Eine atemberaubende Landschaft. Es liegt fünf Minuten vom Dorf Penela, sieben Minuten vom Dorf Rabaçal, zwanzig Minuten von der Stadt Coimbra, fünfzig Minuten vom Strand, zwei Stunden von Lissabon und eine Stunde und dreißig Minuten von Porto entfernt.

Ideal für einen Bauernhof mit landwirtschaftlicher Erschließung und ausgezeichnet für die Zucht von Tieren, einschließlich Pferden. Sehr gut für ein Tourismusprojekt. In dieser Immobilie sind mehrere und abwechslungsreiche Optionen möglich. Kommen Sie uns besuchen. #ref: 86887Sette ettari di terreno fertile popolato da corbezzoli, ulivi, pini e querce da sughero.

Proprietà con estensioni piane a zone in sucalcos sostenute da splendidi muri in pietra. Ha tre ingressi, uno attraverso il grazioso villaggio di Chainça-Penela, il secondo attraverso il villaggio di Espinheiro-Penela e il terzo attraverso l'accesso al villaggio di Rabaçal. Sparsi per la proprietà ci sono sette rifugi in pietra che un tempo ospitavano pastori e lavoratori dei campi.

La vista è ampia e bellissima! Davanti a noi c'è l'ampia valle di Rabaçal, le colline di Sicó e i villaggi di montagna. Un paesaggio straordinario. Si trova a cinque minuti dal villaggio di Penela, a sette minuti dal villaggio di Rabaçal, a venti minuti dalla città di Coimbra, a cinquanta minuti dalla spiaggia, a due ore da Lisbona e a un'ora e trenta minuti da Porto.

Ideale per una fattoria con esplorazione agricola e ottimo per l'allevamento di animali, compresi i cavalli. Molto bene per un progetto turistico. In questa proprietà sono possibili diverse e diversificate opzioni. Venite a trovarci. #ref: 86887Семь гектаров плодородной земли, заселенной клубничными деревьями, оливковыми деревьями, соснами и пробковыми дубами.

Недвижимость с плоскими пристройками к участкам в сукалкосе, поддерживаемая красивыми каменными стенами. Он имеет три входа: один через красивую деревню Шаинса-Пенела, второй - через деревню Эспинейру-Пенела и третий - через подъезд к деревне Рабасал. По всей территории расположены семь каменных навесов, в которых когда-то находили приют пастухи и полевые рабочие.

Виды просто потрясающие и красивые! Впереди - широкая долина Рабасаль, холмы Сико и горные деревни. Потрясающий пейзаж. Он расположен в пяти минутах от деревни Пенела, в семи минутах от деревни Рабасал, в двадцати минутах от города Коимбра, в пятидесяти минутах от пляжа, в двух часах езды от Лиссабона и в одном часе и тридцати минутах от Порту.

Идеально подходит для фермы с сельскохозяйственными исследованиями и отлично подходит для разведения животных, включая лошадей. Очень хорошо для туристического проекта. В этой недвижимости возможны несколько разнообразных вариантов. Приходите в гости. #ref: 86887
Sete hectares de terra fértil povoada de medronheiros, oliveiras, pinheiros e sobreiros. Propriedade com extensões planas a áreas em sucalcos suportados por lindos muros em pedra. Tem três entradas, uma pela bonita aldeia de Chainça-Penela, a segunda pela aldeia do Espinheiro-Penela e a terceira pelo acesso á vila do Rabaçal.

Distribuídos pela propriedade, há sete abrigos em pedra que em tempos recolheram pastores e trabalhadores do campo. As vistas são abrangentes e lindas! Á frente o extenso vale do Rabaçal, as serras de Sicó e as aldeias serranas. Uma paisagem deslumbrante. Localiza-se a cinco minutos da vila de Penela, sete minutos da vila do Rabaçal, vinte minutos da cidade de Coimbra, cinquenta minutos da praia, a duas horas de Lisboa e uma hora e trinta minutos do Porto.

Ideal para uma quinta com exploração agrícola e excelente para criação de animais, inclusive cavalos. Muito boa para um projeto de turismo. Várias e diversificadas opções são possíveis nesta propriedade. Venha conhecer. #ref: 86887Seven hectares of fertile land populated with strawberry trees, olive trees, pine trees and cork oaks.

Property with flat extensions to areas in sucalcos supported by beautiful stone walls. It has three entrances, one through the pretty village of Chainça-Penela, the second through the village of Espinheiro-Penela and the third through the access to the village of Rabaçal. Scattered around the property are seven stone shelters that once sheltered shepherds and field workers.

The views are sweeping and beautiful! Ahead is the wide valley of Rabaçal, the Sicó hills and the mountain villages. A stunning landscape. It is located five minutes from the village of Penela, seven minutes from the village of Rabaçal, twenty minutes from the city of Coimbra, fifty minutes from the beach, two hours from Lisbon and one hour and thirty minutes from Porto.

Ideal for a farm with agricultural exploration and excellent for breeding animals, including horses. Very good for a tourism project. Several and diversified options are possible in this property. Come and visit. #ref: 86887Siete hectáreas de tierra fértil poblada de madroños, olivos, pinos y alcornoques.

Propiedad con extensiones planas a áreas en sucalcos apoyados por hermosos muros de piedra. Tiene tres entradas, una por el bonito pueblo de Chainça-Penela, la segunda por el pueblo de Espinheiro-Penela y la tercera por el acceso al pueblo de Rabaçal. Diseminados por la propiedad hay siete refugios de piedra que antaño albergaban a pastores y trabajadores del campo.

Las vistas son amplias y hermosas. Por delante, el amplio valle de Rabaçal, las colinas de Sicó y los pueblos de montaña. Un paisaje impresionante. Se encuentra a cinco minutos del pueblo de Penela, a siete minutos del pueblo de Rabaçal, a veinte minutos de la ciudad de Coimbra, a cincuenta minutos de la playa, a dos horas de Lisboa y a una hora y treinta minutos de Oporto.

Ideal para una granja con la exploración agrícola y excelente para la cría de animales, incluidos los caballos. Muy bueno para un proyecto turístico. Varias y diversificadas opciones son posibles en esta propiedad. Venga a visitarnos. #ref: 86887Sept hectares de terres fertiles peuplées d'arbousiers, d'oliviers, de pins et de chênes-lièges.

Propriété avec des extensions plates aux zones en sucalcos soutenues par de beaux murs en pierre. Il possède trois entrées, l'une par le joli village de Chainça-Penela, la deuxième par le village d'Espinheiro-Penela et la troisième par l'accès au village de Rabaçal. Les sept abris en pierre disséminés sur la propriété abritaient autrefois des bergers et des ouvriers agricoles.

Les vues sont vastes et magnifiques ! Devant nous se trouve la large vallée de Rabaçal, les collines de Sicó et les villages de montagne. Un paysage époustouflant. Elle est située à cinq minutes du village de Penela, à sept minutes du village de Rabaçal, à vingt minutes de la ville de Coimbra, à cinquante minutes de la plage, à deux heures de Lisbonne et à une heure et trente minutes de Porto.

Idéal pour une ferme avec exploration agricole et excellent pour l'élevage d'animaux, y compris les chevaux. Très bien pour un projet touristique. Des options multiples et diversifiées sont possibles dans ce bien. Venez nous rendre visite. #ref: 86887Sieben Hektar fruchtbares Land, bevölkert mit Erdbeerbäumen, Olivenbäumen, Pinien und Korkeichen.

Grundstück mit flachen Erweiterungen zu Bereichen in sucalcos unterstützt durch schöne Steinmauern. Es hat drei Eingänge, einen durch das hübsche Dorf Chainça-Penela, den zweiten durch das Dorf Espinheiro-Penela und den dritten durch den Zugang zum Dorf Rabaçal. Auf dem Gelände befinden sich sieben Steinhütten, die einst Hirten und Feldarbeiter beherbergten.

Die Aussicht ist überwältigend und wunderschön! Vor uns liegt das weite Tal von Rabaçal, die Hügel von Sicó und die Bergdörfer. Eine atemberaubende Landschaft. Es liegt fünf Minuten vom Dorf Penela, sieben Minuten vom Dorf Rabaçal, zwanzig Minuten von der Stadt Coimbra, fünfzig Minuten vom Strand, zwei Stunden von Lissabon und eine Stunde und dreißig Minuten von Porto entfernt.

Ideal für einen Bauernhof mit landwirtschaftlicher Erschließung und ausgezeichnet für die Zucht von Tieren, einschließlich Pferden. Sehr gut für ein Tourismusprojekt. In dieser Immobilie sind mehrere und abwechslungsreiche Optionen möglich. Kommen Sie uns besuchen. #ref: 86887Sette ettari di terreno fertile popolato da corbezzoli, ulivi, pini e querce da sughero.

Proprietà con estensioni piane a zone in sucalcos sostenute da splendidi muri in pietra. Ha tre ingressi, uno attraverso il grazioso villaggio di Chainça-Penela, il secondo attraverso il villaggio di Espinheiro-Penela e il terzo attraverso l'accesso al villaggio di Rabaçal. Sparsi per la proprietà ci sono sette rifugi in pietra che un tempo ospitavano pastori e lavoratori dei campi.

La vista è ampia e bellissima! Davanti a noi c'è l'ampia valle di Rabaçal, le colline di Sicó e i villaggi di montagna. Un paesaggio straordinario. Si trova a cinque minuti dal villaggio di Penela, a sette minuti dal villaggio di Rabaçal, a venti minuti dalla città di Coimbra, a cinquanta minuti dalla spiaggia, a due ore da Lisbona e a un'ora e trenta minuti da Porto.

Ideale per una fattoria con esplorazione agricola e ottimo per l'allevamento di animali, compresi i cavalli. Molto bene per un progetto turistico. In questa proprietà sono possibili diverse e diversificate opzioni. Venite a trovarci. #ref: 86887Семь гектаров плодородной земли, заселенной клубничными деревьями, оливковыми деревьями, соснами и пробковыми дубами.

Недвижимость с плоскими пристройками к участкам в сукалкосе, поддерживаемая красивыми каменными стенами. Он имеет три входа: один через красивую деревню Шаинса-Пенела, второй - через деревню Эспинейру-Пенела и третий - через подъезд к деревне Рабасал. По всей территории расположены семь каменных навесов, в которых когда-то находили приют пастухи и полевые рабочие.

Виды просто потрясающие и красивые! Впереди - широкая долина Рабасаль, холмы Сико и горные деревни. Потрясающий пейзаж. Он расположен в пяти минутах от деревни Пенела, в семи минутах от деревни Рабасал, в двадцати минутах от города Коимбра, в пятидесяти минутах от пляжа, в двух часах езды от Лиссабона и в одном часе и тридцати минутах от Порту.

Идеально подходит для фермы с сельскохозяйственными исследованиями и отлично подходит для разведения животных, включая лошадей. Очень хорошо для туристического проекта. В этой недвижимости возможны несколько разнообразных вариантов. Приходите в гости. #ref: 86887
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Property on Map


Currency Exchange

Penela, Coimbra, Portugal

Interested in this property? Don't lose out to currency fluctuations changing the price you pay...

Many overseas buyers in Portugal do not realise they can lose thousands of pounds through adverse currency exchange rate movements.

The property buying process in Portugal takes time; it could be up to six months between seeing the property of your dreams and actually taking ownership. So how much would this €200,001 property cost you?

Property Price € Minimum cost in the last six months Maximum cost in the last six months Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by
€200,001 £164,781 £169,621 £4,840
Property Price € €200,001
Minimum cost in the last six months £164,781
Maximum cost in the last six months £169,621
Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by £4,840

Penela, Coimbra, Portugal

Interested in this property? Don't lose out to currency fluctuations changing the price you pay...

Many overseas buyers in Portugal do not realise they can lose thousands of pounds through adverse currency exchange rate movements.

The property buying process in Portugal takes time; it could be up to six months between seeing the property of your dreams and actually taking ownership. So how much would this €200,001 property cost you?

Property Price € Minimum cost in the last six months Maximum cost in the last six months Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by
€200,001 £164,781 £169,621 £4,840
Property Price € €200,001
Minimum cost in the last six months £164,781
Maximum cost in the last six months £169,621
Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by £4,840

The exchange rate on the day you make an offer on your property in Portugal will not be the same as the rate you pay when you complete on your purchase, as currency markets move constantly. Any large rate movements may take it beyond your price range as the chart above illustrates the fluctuation and how much extra your property could have cost you.

The best way to avoid this significant risk is to plan your budget and currency strategy with an experienced currency specialist. They have been known to save you up to 4% compared to many high street banks, £4,000 for every £100,000, which soon adds up. They will also keep you up to date on market movements, help you set a rate in advance with a product called a Forward Contract - so you know exactly what you will pay for your property in sterling.

This is why we recommend Smart Currency Exchange Ltd. If exchange rate movements continue to be as unpredictable and as significant as they have been in the past then by not using Smart Currency Exchange Ltd your property could cost you £4,840 more.

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