
Sintra, Lisboa, Portugal

For Sale


REF: 319722 €420,000

11640 m2

11640 m2


Terreno rústico com 11640 m2 com localização privilegiada no Monte da Lua, Sintra, vila classificada como Património Mundial da Humanidade da UNESCO na categoria de Paisagem Cultural, que alia uma combinação perfeita entre a natureza e o património edificado. Terreno amplo e isolado, rodeado de árvores e com vista ao nível do topo da serra de Sintra.

PIP em consulta. Localização única que permite projetos sustentáveis em contacto com a natureza. Acesso pedonal para descobrir os caminhos e segredos da serra de Sintra, proximidade das melhores praias (Grande, Adraga, Ursa, Guincho, Maças) e dos parques e palácios de Sintra, nomeadamente o Palácio Nacional da Pena, o Castelo dos Mouros, o Convento dos Capuchos, o Palácio e Parque de Monserrate, o Chalet da Condessa D'Edla e o Palácio de Seteais.

Venha conhecer e descubra a história, a cultura e a tradição de um dos pontos mais bonitos de Portugal. Marque a sua visita #ref: 53418Rustic land with 11640 m2 with a privileged location in Monte da Lua, Sintra, a village classified as UNESCO World Heritage Site in the category of Cultural Landscape, which combines a perfect combination between nature and built heritage.

Large and isolated land, surrounded by trees and overlooking the top of the Serra de Sintra. PIP in consultation. Unique location that allows sustainable projects in contact with nature. Pedestrian access to discover the paths and secrets of the Sintra mountains, proximity to the best beaches (Grande, Adraga, Ursa, Guincho, Maças) and the parks and palaces of Sintra, namely the Pena National Palace, the Castelo dos Mouros, the Convent dos Capuchos, the Monserrate Palace and Park, the Chalet of the Countess D'Edla and the Seteais Palace.

Come and discover the history, culture and tradition of one of the most beautiful spots in Portugal. Book your visit #ref: 53418Terreno rústico de 11640 m2 con una ubicación privilegiada en Monte da Lua, Sintra, un pueblo clasificado como Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en la categoría de Paisaje Cultural, que combina una combinación perfecta entre naturaleza y patrimonio construido.

Terreno grande y aislado, rodeado de árboles y con vistas a lo alto de la Serra de Sintra. PIP en consulta. Ubicación única que permite proyectos sostenibles en contacto con la naturaleza. Acceso peatonal para descubrir los caminos y secretos de las montañas de Sintra, proximidad a las mejores playas (Grande, Adraga, Ursa, Guincho, Maças) y los parques y palacios de Sintra, a saber, el Palacio Nacional de Pena, el Castelo dos Mouros, el Convento.

dos Capuchos, el Palacio y Parque de Monserrate, el Chalet de la Condesa D'Edla y el Palacio de Seteais. Ven y descubre la historia, la cultura y la tradición de uno de los lugares más bellos de Portugal. Reserve su visita #ref: 53418Terrain rustique de 11640 m2 avec un emplacement privilégié à Monte da Lua, Sintra, un village classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO dans la catégorie Paysage culturel, qui combine une combinaison parfaite entre la nature et le patrimoine bti.

Grand terrain isolé, entouré d'arbres et surplombant le sommet de la Serra de Sintra. PIP en concertation. Emplacement unique qui permet des projets durables en contact avec la nature. Accès piéton pour découvrir les sentiers et les secrets des montagnes de Sintra, proximité des meilleures plages (Grande, Adraga, Ursa, Guincho, Maças) et des parcs et palais de Sintra, à savoir le Palais National de Pena, le Castelo dos Mouros, le Couvent dos Capuchos, le palais et parc de Monserrate, le chalet de la comtesse d'Edla et le palais de Seteais.

Venez découvrir l'histoire, la culture et la tradition de l'un des plus beaux endroits du Portugal. Réservez votre visite #ref: 53418Rustikales Land mit 11640 m2 in privilegierter Lage in Monte da Lua, Sintra, einem Dorf, das als UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe in der Kategorie Kulturlandschaft eingestuft ist und eine perfekte Kombination aus Natur und erbautem Erbe vereint.

Großes und abgelegenes Land, umgeben von Bäumen und mit Blick auf die Spitze der Serra de Sintra. PIP in Absprache. Einzigartiger Standort, der nachhaltige Projekte im Kontakt mit der Natur ermöglicht. Fußgängerzugang, um die Wege und Geheimnisse des Sintra-Gebirges zu entdecken, die Nähe zu den besten Stränden (Grande, Adraga, Ursa, Guincho, Maças) und den Parks und Palästen von Sintra, nämlich dem Pena-Nationalpalast, dem Castelo dos Mouros und dem Kloster dos Capuchos, der Monserrate-Palast und -Park, das Chalet der Gräfin D'Edla und der Seteais-Palast.

Kommen Sie und entdecken Sie die Geschichte, Kultur und Tradition eines der schönsten Orte in Portugal. Buchen Sie Ihren Besuch #ref: 53418Terreno rustico con 11640 m2 con una posizione privilegiata a Monte da Lua, Sintra, un villaggio classificato come patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO nella categoria del paesaggio culturale, che combina una perfetta combinazione tra natura e patrimonio costruito.

Terreno ampio e isolato, circondato da alberi e con vista sulla cima della Serra de Sintra. PIP in consultazione. Location unica che permette progetti sostenibili a contatto con la natura. Accesso pedonale per scoprire i sentieri ei segreti delle montagne di Sintra, la vicinanza alle migliori spiagge (Grande, Adraga, Ursa, Guincho, Maças) e ai parchi e palazzi di Sintra, ovvero il Palazzo Nazionale di Pena, il Castelo dos Mouros, il Convento dos Capuchos, il Palazzo e Parco di Monserrate, lo Chalet della Contessa D'Edla e il Palazzo Seteais.

Vieni a scoprire la storia, la cultura e la tradizione di uno dei luoghi più belli del Portogallo. Prenota la tua visita #ref: 53418Сельский участок площадью 11640 м2 с привилегированным расположением в Монте-да-Луа, Синтра, деревне, внесенной в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО в категории культурного ландшафта, которая сочетает в себе идеальное сочетание природы и архитектурного наследия.

Большой и изолированный участок, окруженный деревьями, с видом на вершину Серра-де-Синтра. PIP в консультации. Уникальное расположение, которое позволяет экологически рациональным проектам находиться в контакте с природой. Пешеходная доступность, чтобы открыть для себя тропы и секреты гор Синтры, близость к лучшим пляжам (Гранде, Адрага, Урса, Гинчо, Масас), а также к паркам и дворцам Синтры, а именно к Национальному дворцу Пена, Каштелу-дос-Мурос, монастырю душ Капуцинов, дворец и парк Монсеррат, шале графини д'Эдла и дворец Сетеа.

Приходите и откройте для себя историю, культуру и традиции одного из самых красивых мест Португалии. Забронируйте визит --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sel'skiy uchastok ploshchad'yu 11640 m2 s privilegirovannym raspolozheniyem v Monte-da-Lua, Sintra, derevne, vnesennoy v spisok Vsemirnogo naslediya YUNESKO v kategorii kul'turnogo landshafta, kotoraya sochetayet v sebe ideal'noye sochetaniye prirody i arkhitekturnogo naslediya.

Bol'shoy i izolirovannyy uchastok, okruzhennyy derev'yami, s vidom na vershinu Serra-de-Sintra. PIP v konsul'tatsii. Unikal'noye raspolozheniye, kotoroye pozvolyayet ekologicheski ratsional'nym proyektam nakhodit'sya v kontakte s prirodoy. Peshekhodnaya dostupnost', chtoby otkryt' dlya sebya tropy i sekrety gor Sintry, blizost' k luchshim plyazham (Grande, Adraga, Ursa, Gincho, Masas), a takzhe k parkam i dvortsam Sintry, a imenno k Natsional'nomu dvortsu Pena, Kashtelu-dos-Muros, monastyryu dush Kaputsinov, dvorets i park Monserrat, shale grafini d'Edla i dvorets Setea. Prikhodite i otkroyte dlya sebya istoriyu, kul'turu i traditsii odnogo iz samykh krasivykh mest Portugalii. Zabroniruyte vizit #ref: 53418
Terreno rústico com 11640 m2 com localização privilegiada no Monte da Lua, Sintra, vila classificada como Património Mundial da Humanidade da UNESCO na categoria de Paisagem Cultural, que alia uma combinação perfeita entre a natureza e o património edificado. Terreno amplo e isolado, rodeado de árvores e com vista ao nível do topo da serra de Sintra.

PIP em consulta. Localização única que permite projetos sustentáveis em contacto com a natureza. Acesso pedonal para descobrir os caminhos e segredos da serra de Sintra, proximidade das melhores praias (Grande, Adraga, Ursa, Guincho, Maças) e dos parques e palácios de Sintra, nomeadamente o Palácio Nacional da Pena, o Castelo dos Mouros, o Convento dos Capuchos, o Palácio e Parque de Monserrate, o Chalet da Condessa D'Edla e o Palácio de Seteais.

Venha conhecer e descubra a história, a cultura e a tradição de um dos pontos mais bonitos de Portugal. Marque a sua visita #ref: 53418Rustic land with 11640 m2 with a privileged location in Monte da Lua, Sintra, a village classified as UNESCO World Heritage Site in the category of Cultural Landscape, which combines a perfect combination between nature and built heritage.

Large and isolated land, surrounded by trees and overlooking the top of the Serra de Sintra. PIP in consultation. Unique location that allows sustainable projects in contact with nature. Pedestrian access to discover the paths and secrets of the Sintra mountains, proximity to the best beaches (Grande, Adraga, Ursa, Guincho, Maças) and the parks and palaces of Sintra, namely the Pena National Palace, the Castelo dos Mouros, the Convent dos Capuchos, the Monserrate Palace and Park, the Chalet of the Countess D'Edla and the Seteais Palace.

Come and discover the history, culture and tradition of one of the most beautiful spots in Portugal. Book your visit #ref: 53418Terreno rústico de 11640 m2 con una ubicación privilegiada en Monte da Lua, Sintra, un pueblo clasificado como Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en la categoría de Paisaje Cultural, que combina una combinación perfecta entre naturaleza y patrimonio construido.

Terreno grande y aislado, rodeado de árboles y con vistas a lo alto de la Serra de Sintra. PIP en consulta. Ubicación única que permite proyectos sostenibles en contacto con la naturaleza. Acceso peatonal para descubrir los caminos y secretos de las montañas de Sintra, proximidad a las mejores playas (Grande, Adraga, Ursa, Guincho, Maças) y los parques y palacios de Sintra, a saber, el Palacio Nacional de Pena, el Castelo dos Mouros, el Convento.

dos Capuchos, el Palacio y Parque de Monserrate, el Chalet de la Condesa D'Edla y el Palacio de Seteais. Ven y descubre la historia, la cultura y la tradición de uno de los lugares más bellos de Portugal. Reserve su visita #ref: 53418Terrain rustique de 11640 m2 avec un emplacement privilégié à Monte da Lua, Sintra, un village classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO dans la catégorie Paysage culturel, qui combine une combinaison parfaite entre la nature et le patrimoine bti.

Grand terrain isolé, entouré d'arbres et surplombant le sommet de la Serra de Sintra. PIP en concertation. Emplacement unique qui permet des projets durables en contact avec la nature. Accès piéton pour découvrir les sentiers et les secrets des montagnes de Sintra, proximité des meilleures plages (Grande, Adraga, Ursa, Guincho, Maças) et des parcs et palais de Sintra, à savoir le Palais National de Pena, le Castelo dos Mouros, le Couvent dos Capuchos, le palais et parc de Monserrate, le chalet de la comtesse d'Edla et le palais de Seteais.

Venez découvrir l'histoire, la culture et la tradition de l'un des plus beaux endroits du Portugal. Réservez votre visite #ref: 53418Rustikales Land mit 11640 m2 in privilegierter Lage in Monte da Lua, Sintra, einem Dorf, das als UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe in der Kategorie Kulturlandschaft eingestuft ist und eine perfekte Kombination aus Natur und erbautem Erbe vereint.

Großes und abgelegenes Land, umgeben von Bäumen und mit Blick auf die Spitze der Serra de Sintra. PIP in Absprache. Einzigartiger Standort, der nachhaltige Projekte im Kontakt mit der Natur ermöglicht. Fußgängerzugang, um die Wege und Geheimnisse des Sintra-Gebirges zu entdecken, die Nähe zu den besten Stränden (Grande, Adraga, Ursa, Guincho, Maças) und den Parks und Palästen von Sintra, nämlich dem Pena-Nationalpalast, dem Castelo dos Mouros und dem Kloster dos Capuchos, der Monserrate-Palast und -Park, das Chalet der Gräfin D'Edla und der Seteais-Palast.

Kommen Sie und entdecken Sie die Geschichte, Kultur und Tradition eines der schönsten Orte in Portugal. Buchen Sie Ihren Besuch #ref: 53418Terreno rustico con 11640 m2 con una posizione privilegiata a Monte da Lua, Sintra, un villaggio classificato come patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO nella categoria del paesaggio culturale, che combina una perfetta combinazione tra natura e patrimonio costruito.

Terreno ampio e isolato, circondato da alberi e con vista sulla cima della Serra de Sintra. PIP in consultazione. Location unica che permette progetti sostenibili a contatto con la natura. Accesso pedonale per scoprire i sentieri ei segreti delle montagne di Sintra, la vicinanza alle migliori spiagge (Grande, Adraga, Ursa, Guincho, Maças) e ai parchi e palazzi di Sintra, ovvero il Palazzo Nazionale di Pena, il Castelo dos Mouros, il Convento dos Capuchos, il Palazzo e Parco di Monserrate, lo Chalet della Contessa D'Edla e il Palazzo Seteais.

Vieni a scoprire la storia, la cultura e la tradizione di uno dei luoghi più belli del Portogallo. Prenota la tua visita #ref: 53418Сельский участок площадью 11640 м2 с привилегированным расположением в Монте-да-Луа, Синтра, деревне, внесенной в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО в категории культурного ландшафта, которая сочетает в себе идеальное сочетание природы и архитектурного наследия.

Большой и изолированный участок, окруженный деревьями, с видом на вершину Серра-де-Синтра. PIP в консультации. Уникальное расположение, которое позволяет экологически рациональным проектам находиться в контакте с природой. Пешеходная доступность, чтобы открыть для себя тропы и секреты гор Синтры, близость к лучшим пляжам (Гранде, Адрага, Урса, Гинчо, Масас), а также к паркам и дворцам Синтры, а именно к Национальному дворцу Пена, Каштелу-дос-Мурос, монастырю душ Капуцинов, дворец и парк Монсеррат, шале графини д'Эдла и дворец Сетеа.

Приходите и откройте для себя историю, культуру и традиции одного из самых красивых мест Португалии. Забронируйте визит --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sel'skiy uchastok ploshchad'yu 11640 m2 s privilegirovannym raspolozheniyem v Monte-da-Lua, Sintra, derevne, vnesennoy v spisok Vsemirnogo naslediya YUNESKO v kategorii kul'turnogo landshafta, kotoraya sochetayet v sebe ideal'noye sochetaniye prirody i arkhitekturnogo naslediya.

Bol'shoy i izolirovannyy uchastok, okruzhennyy derev'yami, s vidom na vershinu Serra-de-Sintra. PIP v konsul'tatsii. Unikal'noye raspolozheniye, kotoroye pozvolyayet ekologicheski ratsional'nym proyektam nakhodit'sya v kontakte s prirodoy. Peshekhodnaya dostupnost', chtoby otkryt' dlya sebya tropy i sekrety gor Sintry, blizost' k luchshim plyazham (Grande, Adraga, Ursa, Gincho, Masas), a takzhe k parkam i dvortsam Sintry, a imenno k Natsional'nomu dvortsu Pena, Kashtelu-dos-Muros, monastyryu dush Kaputsinov, dvorets i park Monserrat, shale grafini d'Edla i dvorets Setea. Prikhodite i otkroyte dlya sebya istoriyu, kul'turu i traditsii odnogo iz samykh krasivykh mest Portugalii. Zabroniruyte vizit #ref: 53418
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Property on Map


Currency Exchange

Sintra, Lisboa, Portugal

Interested in this property? Don't lose out to currency fluctuations changing the price you pay...

Many overseas buyers in Portugal do not realise they can lose thousands of pounds through adverse currency exchange rate movements.

The property buying process in Portugal takes time; it could be up to six months between seeing the property of your dreams and actually taking ownership. So how much would this €420,000 property cost you?

Property Price € Minimum cost in the last six months Maximum cost in the last six months Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by
€420,000 £346,038 £356,202 £10,164
Property Price € €420,000
Minimum cost in the last six months £346,038
Maximum cost in the last six months £356,202
Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by £10,164

Sintra, Lisboa, Portugal

Interested in this property? Don't lose out to currency fluctuations changing the price you pay...

Many overseas buyers in Portugal do not realise they can lose thousands of pounds through adverse currency exchange rate movements.

The property buying process in Portugal takes time; it could be up to six months between seeing the property of your dreams and actually taking ownership. So how much would this €420,000 property cost you?

Property Price € Minimum cost in the last six months Maximum cost in the last six months Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by
€420,000 £346,038 £356,202 £10,164
Property Price € €420,000
Minimum cost in the last six months £346,038
Maximum cost in the last six months £356,202
Fluctuating exchange rates over the last six months could have increased the cost of this property by £10,164

The exchange rate on the day you make an offer on your property in Portugal will not be the same as the rate you pay when you complete on your purchase, as currency markets move constantly. Any large rate movements may take it beyond your price range as the chart above illustrates the fluctuation and how much extra your property could have cost you.

The best way to avoid this significant risk is to plan your budget and currency strategy with an experienced currency specialist. They have been known to save you up to 4% compared to many high street banks, £4,000 for every £100,000, which soon adds up. They will also keep you up to date on market movements, help you set a rate in advance with a product called a Forward Contract - so you know exactly what you will pay for your property in sterling.

This is why we recommend Smart Currency Exchange Ltd. If exchange rate movements continue to be as unpredictable and as significant as they have been in the past then by not using Smart Currency Exchange Ltd your property could cost you £10,164 more.

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